About Luis Díaz

Luis Angel Diaz is the founder of the CMR Process. He is the author of the Best Seller, “Memory in the cells” published in five languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German and Chinese). He has been a holistic health practitioner for over 3 decades. He was trained in oriental medicine, Shiatsu, acupuncture, acupressure, homeopathy, herbology, nutrition, Touch For Health, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique and several other modalities. His training and experience total over thousands of clients and several successful practices both in South and North America. A major shift took place in his life after loosing his wife, Adriana with whom they where raising their three children. The shock and pain that he experienced during the months to follow, lead him to discover a common thread in most of the imbalances we humans, suffer. He realized that the accumulation and storage of negative emotional charge in our bodies is the main cause of the physical and emotional problems that we experience.
The history of CMR: In 1998, Luis began to create techniques to support this awareness and began to utilize them in his practice. He then noticed that his clients experienced healing and more peace and joy in their lives when they were able to address and transform these stored layers of emotional charge found in what he began to call the “cellular memory”. Luis named this approach Cellular Memory Release or CMR and formulated it into a simple, easy-to-learn system for training others. Since then, he has trained and educated many individuals in Cellular Memory Release. Many clients attest to the positive impact this work has had on their lives.
Since the inception of CMR, Luis’ own personal life experiences and client feedback have contributed to the system’s efficiency. His passion and efforts have been extended over numerous speaking engagements, group counseling and weekend intensives. As an educator and practitioner of conscious healing and living, Luis is truly a pioneer in the holistic health world.

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